How to Add 20 to 30 Years to Your Life

Life is a beautiful gift from God, it’s our responsibility to spend it well. You can change your life at any point of time, you have all the right to  spend your time well fully prosperous and with full packed energy. You have the power to change your mindset and take a new start by changing your thought process and focusing the right things around you. As a human you can restart your mind and delete any of the variables if it doesn’t suit you or if it’s affecting your life, your personality and hearting your emotions.

Some people believe that life expectancy is determined by genetics, whereas genes play a very small role. The factors that will affect our life span is our lifestyle. We can improve our life span with our lifestyle such as eating healthier, taking regular exercise and getting enough sleep, right selections, good friends, avoiding toxic personalities are the little changes that can improve your life and make a real difference in your life.

Research shows that maintaining healthy social gatherings and networks can help you live longer than your average life. Because through positive changes and social networks you can create positive energy around you that will create positive changes in your heart, brain and also improve your mental health and eventually decrease the risk of chronic diseases. For a better lifestyle you can focus on following that will not only decrease stress levels and improve immunity but also extend your lifespan. Some of the quick fix for a adding 20 to 30 happy and healthy years of life are as under:

Stop Overthinking: ​

One of the biggest causes of damaging your brain health gradually is overthinking. It does not sound so bad on the surface but it can create a lot of problems because with overthinking you can elevated stress and spend your time with negative energy.

The best way is to not think of what can go wrong or right. Overthinking is caused by our emotions, our internal fear, when we start focusing towards the situations that are not controlled by ourselves we start building up negative energy around.

In most cases overthinking is due to fear when we are afraid of losing something, losing a job, career, friend or a relation and start focusing on negative things we need to stop our mind and focus on the positive aspects of our life. For a beautiful life we need to district our focus from negative energy to positive energy like meditation , dancing, exercise, yoga and meditation etc.

Exercise Regularly​:

Exercise is another energy booster that gives your mind a kick start to a new day and every day. Our body is designed to keep ourselves active and move in the same way as a sports car is designed to go fast.

There are many benefits to keep yourself active it will ultimately not only increases our energy levels, improves muscle strength, help you to maintain a healthy weight, improves your brain function, good for your heart, lowers your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, enhances your immune system, improves your body’s ability to pump your blood throughout your body, help to reduce the risk of certain cancers, active people tend to sleep better and ultimately improve your lifestyle and and add more and more years to your life.

The other best possible solution is to give our life perspective, stop waiting all the time for the perfections, put some timers to your work and increase your focus and be grateful and thankful for whatever you have in your life. Stop thinking about the fake relation you will spend your whole life chasing them but you can not hold those relations that are not actually made for you.

Get Enough sleep​:

The next most important element to add more years to your life is to take proper and enough sleep. Adults need at least 7 to 8 hours of good quality sleep on a regular schedule each night.

You can make changes to your routine if you can not find enough time to sleep. Because getting enough sleep is not only about the hours you sleep. It’s also important to get good quality of proper sleep on a defined schedule so that you will feel fresh when you wake up the next morning.

If you feel tired after taking the defined hours of your sleep you should need to talk with your doctor and need to review your daily routine.

Stop Overeating:

This is another common problem , we eat, eat and just eat without even thinking about what we are eating and taking in our body. Overeating occurs when you continue to eat beyond the point of fullness. Because the human mind can take only 20- minutes to send a signal to the stomach that you are full now but we keep on putting stuff to our body and after sometime realize that you have overeaten.

The biggest drawback of overeating is unwanted fat gain, that will increase chronic diseases in your body and reduce your age as well. Overeating can affect our body and mental health in a variety of ways it can cause our stomach to expand beyond its normal size for the adjustment of the large amount of food we are taking in and the stomach can start pushing our other organs to make some spaces that will ultimately create discomfort.

This situation can lead you towards sluggishness, drowsiness and you will feel tired throughout your day.

Take Health Supplements:

Health Supplements are useful for daily intake of your nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They provide many safe and significant health benefits to our body. Study shows that there are some good and bad supplements, they can only help better if consuming from the raw food.

Health Supplements include amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics, herbals, botanicals, and animal extracts, fish oil, Green Tea, Garlic etc. If you are going to have a balanced lifestyle you will definitely follow a balanced diet in that case you don’t need to go for any sort of supplements, they can provide you with extra nutrients if you are not following healthy eating habits.

Being a nutritionist we suggest our followers have a healthy lifestyle rather than going for supplements.

Eat Healthier​:

The healthy lifestyle is the behavior that will improve our life span that can improve your physical and emotional behavior and you will feel good. Healthy habits like eating well, sleeping well, exercising timely and creating changes in your lifestyle is important for a longer Spain of life.  This is very difficult to change the behavior. Healthy lifestyle doesn’t seem quite as straightforward but the good news is you can improve your lifestyle with small changes like whenever you would like to go to a shop, check the nutrition label before you buy.

Try to Eat whole foods that you actually grow within your locality that could be common and easily available in your area. Keep your mouth busy with the local food all day but that could be fruits, vegetables and nuts. The most important thing is whatever you can eat, eat with love. When you sit for your food try to enjoy every bite of it.

Drink a lot of water and don’t ever skip your meals. Try to snack between your meals, by doing this you will be able to eat less during your three main meals of the day. The best way is to keep your healthy food handy with you during your schools, colleges or office timings. If you really want to skip something that skips sugar, chocolates, chips, burgers, bread and all the processed food that’s not actually meant for healthy people and healthy minds.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy​:

The other best way to improve your Spain of life is to start enjoying the small stuff around you, rather than waiting for the big and flashing things to make you smile and happy. Start focusing towards your surroundings and you can feel a lot of beautiful things around you that will keep you motivated all day.

The other best way is to plan your day, with your daily boring routine start adding some new topping to your life. You can start with the little things that can keep you happy. Because Happiness is the Key for your success. Positive thinking can raise your energy level to 50% and you will be able to increase your productivity.

Start threshing down your negative thoughts and start using your mind in a positive way your mind is in control of you it depends how you can start utilizing your mind. When you wake up early in the morning try to remind yourself of the things you can be grateful for your achievements and start social networking. The best way to be happy is to start developing your habit of mindfulness. It means start focusing towards the present situation and start enjoying the moment it will keep you happy all day every day.

Stay Hydrated​:

Keeping yourself hydrated all day can improve your life span, our body is built up of around 55% of water but still people don’t bother to include enough water in their life.

There is no fixed quantity of water consumption a day, but the important thing is to keep yourself hydrated all the day because starting from the Slava we have in our mouth to each and every part of our body requires water and if we don’t consume enough quantity of water we cannot able to hydrate our body parts.

Water can lubricate our joints, we can deliver oxygen throughout the body with water, and our saliva helps us in the digestive system. Water is everywhere it can help improve our skin, reduce weight, flushes body wastes and what not so keep yourself super hydrated all day for a better life.

Turn Off Your TV for a Longer Life Expectancy:

Yes, if you want to live a healthy life you should turn off your television. It seems to be the main source of entertainment in our life. When we start watching television we stop focusing on what a special time we are wasting while sitting in one situation for a longer time.

Not only we are wasting our time but also we are slowly and gradually destroying our life. The prolonged watching and sitting in front of TV is actually destroying our life. The facts is that it can not only provide us with entertainment but it can also give us a gift of larger waistlines, increases the risk of diabetes, damages our personal relations, increased insulation, aggression and also stole our sleep and ultimately shorten our life Spain and frustrated. wishes you Health, Wealth and Prosperity.

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