What Are The 6 Types Of Crunches And How Do They Help You?

Crunches are one of the most common ways to work out your core muscles. To help you in your quest for a six-pack, let’s take a look at the different types of crunches and which ones are best for your body type. 

There are 6 types of crunches: 20- and 30-degree incline pushups, Chin-Up Hold, Hanging Knee Raise, Lying Knee Raise, Plank Hold and Side Plank. Each has its benefits and potential for injury. For example, the 20-degree incline pushups target the upper abs more than other exercises because they require more tension from your muscle groups. The hanging knee raise is easier on your joints than it is on regular crunches because it doesn’t involve any movement over the ground but instead moves only through gravity. If you’re looking to build lean muscle mass or burn some fat without putting too much stress on your joints, these exercises might be right

Types of Crunches

Crunches are one of the most common ways to work out your core muscles. There are six types of crunches which are 20- and 30-degree incline pushups, chin-up hold, hanging knee raise, lying knee raise, plank hold and side plank. Each has its benefits and potential for injury.

For example, the 20-degree incline pushups target the upper abs more than other exercises because they require more tension from your muscle groups. The hanging knee raise is easier on your joints than it is on regular crunches because it doesn’t involve any movement over the ground but instead moves only through gravity. If you’re looking to build lean muscle mass or burn some fat without putting too much stress on your joints, these exercises might be right for you.

What are the benefits of each type of crunch?

Crunches are a vital part of any workout plan. Here’s how they can benefit you:

  • 20-degree incline pushups: Targets the upper abs more than other exercises because they require more tension from your muscle groups
  • The hanging knee raise: Is easier on your joints than regular crunches because it doesn’t involve any movement over the ground but instead moves only through gravity
  • Lying Knee Raise: Targets the lower abs and works out your oblique muscles 
  • Plank Hold: Requires a lot of body control to maintain good form, which helps build lean muscle mass and burn fat 
  • Side Plank: Works out your triceps, shoulders, back and core muscles

How to perform each type of crunch

  • 20 Degree Incline Pushup
  • Chin-Up Hold
  • Hanging Knee Raise
  • Lying Knee Raise
  • Plank Hold 
  • Side Plank

20-degree incline pushups

The 20-degree incline pushups are a more advanced variation of the standard crunch and is often used for building muscle. They are beneficial for those who want to increase their upper body strength because it requires more muscles to do than the standard crunch. These type of crunches help you target those muscles in your arms, shoulders, and chest.

30-degree incline pushups

The 30-degree incline pushup is a great exercise to target your upper abs and they’re easy on your joints. You can also do them with weights if you want to get a more intense workout.

Chin-Up Holds

This is a great exercise for the upper back. This exercise helps build muscle and it strengthens your shoulder muscles as well. Chin-Up Holds target your biceps, pectorals, and triceps as well. However, they are not great for beginners because they put a lot of pressure on your shoulder joints.

Hanging Knee Raises 

If you want a full body workout that targets the core, your best bet is to try hanging knee raises. They’re easier on your joints than crunches because it doesn’t involve any movement over the ground but instead moves only through gravity. The workout also increases your heart rate and builds lean muscle mass.

Lying Knee Raises 

On the other end of the spectrum, the lying knee raise is a great exercise for building up your abs but also because it’s easy to maintain form. While your arms are supporting you against a wall, they don’t take away from the focus on your core. The Lying Knee Raise is especially helpful when you’re trying to work on your obliques and build up your strong lower-ab muscles.

A few things to keep in mind before starting any type of workout:

Make sure you warm up first by doing some jumping jacks or walking around the block

Stay hydrated! It’s very important that you stay properly hydrated so that your muscles can function properly.

You will see better results if you use proper form 

Use appropriate weights 

If you’re looking to get a six-pack, these exercises can help you build muscle and burn fat at the same time. If these crunches aren’t for you, try out some different ones!

Plank Hold 

The Plank Hold is a great exercise for those looking to strengthen their core muscles. It gets your whole body in on the action, involves no movement over the ground and can be performed anywhere.

This exercise can also be modified to target different areas of your core. For example, if you’re looking to work on your hip flexors, you would hold the plank for about 8 seconds and then move into a side plank before returning back to your starting position.

Side Plank

The side plank is a good exercise to strengthen and engage the muscles of your core. This exercise is great for building up your glutes, thighs and lower back. It also helps you to prevent injury as it reduces the risk of over-extension in this position. The side plank helps support your spine as well as isolate your core muscles. In addition, this exercise can help maintain stability in a yoga pose.

There are many different types of crunches, but the side plank is one that can provide you with the most benefits for your body type so that you can build muscle mass and tone your stomach at the same time.

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